COMMITMENT(an excerpt from CHARACTER FOR KIDS by John G Gage, available on Amazon)
The Dog
The dog is the most committed animal on earth. Since they are so loving, they become attached to people and remain with that person for life. One dog named Hachi met his owner at the train station every day after work. After the owner suddenly died, Hachi continued to meet the train for nine years, even though his master was gone!
Commitment means “doing what needs to be done regardless of your talents or mood.” (The Smart Playbook). It means being willing to keep your promises…if you make a commitment or promise to clean your room, you keep at it until your room makes your Mommy proud of you! When you are committed to your family or friends, you support them and encourage them when they go through times of sadness or trouble.
Proverbs 17:17 says, ” A friend loves at all times..” This means when your friend makes a mistake, you are still their friend. When they don’t treat you nicely or they take something from you, you may not like the way they have acted, but you are still their friend. Being committed to someone does not depend on their behavior, it is a promise that YOU make to remain committed to them no matter what. Just like Jesus stays committed to you even when you mess up.
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