Educational, Teacher Resources
Tip # 6 for Bible Class Teachers
The greater the number of members who have a specific responsibility, the greater sense of ownership they will feel in the class. Here are some possible officer positions. The size of your class will determine which officers are necessary:
- Care group leaders
- Prayer captain and subs
- Social chairperson (heads planning social events and parties)
- Social committee (assists social chairperson)
- Birthday card chairperson
- Get -well card chairperson
- Class greeters (welcome attendees and make sure visitors fill out an information card)
- Class secretary (to take and report attendance)
- Membership chairperson (responsible for maintaining a current list of class members and visitors)
- Refreshment chairperson and assistants
- Name tag chairperson (makes sure they are up to date, available before class and put away after class)
- Prayer request typist (also sends requests to an email list after class)
- Outreach committee (evangelism and home visits)
- Room decorations
- Bulletin board chairperson
- Classroom preparation (sound system set-up, refreshment table, prayer request forms available, etc.)
- Chair set up
- Classroom clean up (refreshment table cleared, sound system put away, computer put up, etc.)
In classrooms that have multiple uses bulletin boards, set-up and room decorations may have to be multi-use as well, limiting room personalization. In these situations a dedicated rolling white board may have to suffice. In any event, someone could be responsible for setting it up, writing prayer requests, scripture references and announcements on it, and putting it away following class. Involve as many people as you can with specific responsibilities and try to match those positions with a person’s giftedness, passions and level of spiritual maturity. Some churches require church membership as a prerequisite for being a class officer. Make sure that you know church policy and adhere to it.
It is a good idea to have officer lunches at least twice a year. It serves as a reward for those who have gone the extra mile in serving the class, and you can discuss class needs or logistics with all of your leadership at one time. We have reserved rooms in a local restaurant after church, had a breakfast meeting on a Saturday, and had an evening fellowship in our home. You can have individual officers share how their responsibilities are going and if they have needs in their specific area. It doesn’t matter how or when you do it, but it is important that you meet occasionally to share class needs and to pray with and for each other.
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