Guilty For Nothing
“But now God has placed each one of the parts in one body just as He wanted” (1 Cor. 12:18 HCSB)
A young lady called me recently, wracked with guilt over the fact that she hadn’t witnessed to more people. “I have failed as a Christian!” she wept. “I should have done more!”
I responded, “Don’t beat yourself up. You have lived a consistently faithful life in front of the people in your sphere of influence. You will never know the positive impact your life has had on those around you. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by guilt for the perceived omissions of the past, look for ways in which you can maximize your influence in the future!”
We each have a unique personality. Some are outgoing and brave, while others tend toward the shy and introspective. God uses each of us in His family to meet a need, provide an invaluable service to the rest of the body, and utilize our spiritual gifts in ways that reflect our individual strengths.
Trying to apply someone else’s gifts to our situation is counterproductive. It becomes frustrating as we attempt to employ gifts that we don’t possess to accomplish things that don’t come naturally. The result is awkwardness at best, or an effort that seems totally counterfeit. We end up doing more harm than good.
While we should each be growing in our areas of weakness, we should be employing our giftedness without attempting to be someone we are not. God has designed each of us to function within the body as an important and necessary part. Each part is critical to the effective health and mission of the body, but one part doesn’t need to assume the responsibility of another. If we try, then our task is left undone.
Be content with the person God made you to be. Accomplish the task for which you were designed and gifted. Thank God for people with gifts that provide strength where you are inadequate, but don’t attempt to be those people, or to desire the gifts God gave them. He made you just like He wanted you to be. Don’t look back. Look forward, committed to using the unique gifts God gave you to the best of your ability, and content that your contribution to the body is sufficient.
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